
Rapid Response

We hear of wars, rumors of war, and great shaking across the earth. Genocide in Nigeria, believers held hostage in many nations, brethren taken as slaves in Pakistan, churches burned, pastors arrested, terror attacks on whole villages in India, natural disasters, slaughter, and famine are too common and ugly evil! Our only hope is in Jesus Christ! YOU can send a lifeline today through CMM’s Rapid Response teams, many behind enemy lines!

With our known, trusted Indigenous leaders in 70 nations, we know how important emergency help can be. Wise stewardship and accountability are crucial to you and us. With your prayers and generosity, we are able to expedite the delivery of urgent funds to bring comfort, stability, and the love of Jesus.

We have ongoing, urgent requests for emergency, rapid assistance from the vineyards of our Lord. With our known, trusted Indigenous leaders in 70 nations, we know how important emergency help can be. Wise stewardship and accountability are crucial to you and us. With your prayers and generosity, we are able to expedite the delivery of urgent funds with our ‘boots on the ground’ teams to bring comfort, stability, and the love of Jesus. We read in Matt. 24:6-7 “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And  famines, pestilences, and earthquakes will occur in various places.” 

When there is a crisis, we see opportunities to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ, with urgent aid while their hearts are tender and they see firsthand your CMM Ministers and Helpers risking their lives to bring hope, comfort and faith in action to help.

During the COVID pandemic, CMM sent thousands of dollars each month to help feed our brethren on lockdown. Many are day laborers and when they don’t work that day they may not eat. With persecution increasing many are threatened if they do not renounce Jesus as Lord. Help our pastors and their church members stay alive and care for those who have experienced a loss or natural disaster, war and pandemic, etc. as an earthquake, flood, famine, or fire. Donate now>>