Persecuted Church
Persecution is increasing with over 360 million globally facing threats in 2023, including many of our CMM network of indigenous, embedded, and trusted pastors have been arrested and some had churches burned or bulldozed. We are on the front lines in many many closed nations sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
CMM has many missionaries living behind enemy lines, risking their lives to win souls and disciple the saints in expanding the Kingdom of God and destroying the works of the enemy.
Help us reach those who have not experienced the love of the Father. Many of these are idol worshipers and simply have never heard the truth, simplicity and power of the Gospel.
Many of our network of indigenous, embedded, and trusted pastors have been arrested, and some had churches burned or bulldozed. Some have been martyrs. Heb. 3:13 The Lord’s tapestry of diversity includes many streams and backgrounds and every thread in this eternal, God-honoring tapestry is essential.
We are on the front lines in many, many closed nations, sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Many of our friends in our network of native, embedded, and trusted pastors face threats daily. At times we are asked to free people from jail and prison, move them to safe houses, and protect their families. We need your help today. CMM members are on the front lines in many, many closed nations, sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Help us reach as many as we can while we can. Your prayers move heaven and earth.