Equip Uganda! New Church, Well, and Latrine! Souls Already Being Saved!

Pastor Jackso Kerejji in Uganda is a long-term CMM member and proven himself over and over with much fruit and accountability, reaching many souls, winning many to the Lord and releasing the Father’s heart in all he does.
Long-term CMM Leader, Dr. Prince Nwigwe, has visited Pstr. Jackso many times. (Prince is the Director of FOLAH, our Canadian CMM College of Theology.) We have drilled several wells there with Prince overseeing, tracking expenses and reporting many lives being blessed with clean, safe, water and the Gospel, giving this rural area longer, healthier lives, reducing kidnapping and the threat of sexual slavery in women and children.
We invite you to pray and give for this new outreach, planting a church where there is no church in Mulama Village in the Namutumba District.
The entire church hall completion will cost $10,000 USD.
A much-needed new Water Well is $2,200.00. The basic, hygienic latrine, like a clean, new outhouse is $360.00.
All the work is voluntary from excited and eager villagers.
Please pray and ask the Lord whatever you can give, without pressure or any compulsion. The Lord loves a cheerful giver! It will go a long way.
The villagers are excited and already receiving Christ. Hallelujah.
Thank you for your help on this God-ordered project.