Freed Salve Girls needing immediate medical.

Dire Sickness Requires Urgent Treatment-Pray for Rescued Sex Slaves In India!

By Chris Chaney.

 From the Frying Pan into the Fire

Six of Pastor Joy’s rescued girls who had been sadly trafficked have a life-threatening illness that is taking a deep toll on their health. Urgent medical care is needed as six of the twenty-six who have serious liver damage, most likely hepatitis.

After facing horrid atrocities as sex slaves, CMM Pastors Joy (in India and Chris Chaney (in the US) worked together to rescue them first from their captors, then from a rooftop after a disastrous cyclone’s heavy flooding, pulling them from the rooftop by boat. 

Speak Life Into Their Livers!

Initially, they broke out with boils and open sores all over their bodies. They have been taking medicines and creams for 3 months, but this was not their main problem. Now, their livers have swollen so large that their bellies are grossly protruding. They need to be tested to correctly ascertain the type of  hepatitis they are dealing with

All of the medical attention has to be done with great secrecy, as the authorities are after these girls for leaving their prior lives of bondage.  

We were forced to send Pastor Joy and a small group of pastors to rescue them by boat as the flood waters inundated their home. During their flight to the rooftop, 6 of the girls were infected with hepatitis from the dirty floodwater. They must have had open cuts or sores or mistakenly drank some of the water.  

We need $2,500.00 to save their lives. 

Of course, we are seeking their healing in the name of the Lord Jesus first and foremost.They need the Lord’s healing grace, so please pray for them. As they cannot be taken to the hospital (they have no official papers), their treatment and diagnosis become very difficult. Pastor Joy hopes to obtain the necessary medicines to begin a course of treatment for hepatitis and to bring a doctor in who will help the girls without jeopardizing their freedom or their lives. 

This is an unbelievably frustrating situation. These girls have suffered so much in life already. Their need is immediate, and their condition is critical. Please act as the Lord leads you. Don’t wait. These are God’s orphans. They have no one to help them but the few of us who know of them and see them.